Big congratulations to all winners, thanks from deep heart to Daniel and Pragmatic Play. I win towel 😁
It is awesome, BWB and PP please accept my best thanks
Felicitations winners

congratulations to the winners?

Yihaa, thanks for the Towel BWB and PP. i’ll hang it over my chair so i have my own custom PP chair 😆
Congrats to all the winners!?

GGs everyone! The towel will get a nice place ??
Thanks for the giveaway and congrats to all the winners.
Whoever won the a towel, please share a picture of it when you receive it 😅
I'm quite curious to know how it looks like.
Congrats to the winners and many thanks to BWB and Pragmatic!

Congratz amigos, thx bwb and pragmatic

Gongrats guys, I won the chair and i will give it to my brother as a gift 😀 . Thanks a lot to pragmatic and bigwinboard !!!

Congrats to the winners ??
Thanks bwb, pragmatic play, congratulations

Still waiting for everyone to claim their prizes. Will have to wait to send the list of winners to Pragmatic until most have claim it.